Wednesday, 9 December 2015


AGE RANGE - 17-52

I have recently played the content of my music video so far to a focus group and requested them to suggest things that I could improve on my music video.


The majority of my target audience suggested that the story line was very successful, and that they wanted me to complete the rest of my music video as soon as possible, as they wanted to find out more about what was going to happen to the narrative.They also suggested that the characters were very interesting and that the cast that i picked for my music video was successful. I was unsure wether or not to use some of the clips presenting the husband and the wife, however now that i have gained positive audience feedback from my focus group I have decided to keep the shots of the couple in my music video as I feel that they add to the narrative of the music video, furthermore creating a relationship between the audience and the characters, which will demand the attention of my target audience.

I also gained positive feedback on the use of the poem at the beginning of the music video, an aspect which I am happy about my self. The focus groups suggested that the poem was different and unexpected which made them feel intrigued to listen and watch more of the music video.


As i presented an unfinished music video to my target audience, I asked them for advice on what I should fill black spaces with.
A member of my focus group suggested that I should fill the blank space with an image of the main character dressed up as a woman, or subtly implying that he is dressing up as a women. From this constructive criticism, I will meeting with my actor for a final time to film shots of I'm putting on a wig and suggestively dressing up as a cross dresser.
I discussed with my target audience whether I should present the actor in full cross dress, to create a more raw narrative, however my target audience disagreed. They suggested that I should suggestvely imply that the male character wants to dress up as a cross dresser. I asked my focus group how i would put this across to my audience in my music video, and they suggested a few tips:

  • "i think you should film the actor with out including his face, you should take shots from a shoulder point of view or from the back of the actors head"
  • "you could film your actor looking at women's make up and admiring it" 
  • "is it possible that you could film your actor putting on the same wig as the cross dresser at the start of the music video to show more of a connection between the two characters I like the way the two main protagonists work together and the relationship that they have"

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