Wednesday, 16 December 2015


I will be conducting a questionnaire to find out what my target audience will be looking for in an album cover and album advert. Like previous questionnaires that I have conducted, I will be focusing on a certain target audience, I will therefore be giving my questionnaire to an older audience, age ranging from 25-50+, this will enable me to gain appropriate feedback and advice for my ancillary task.


I have made a music video to the song, People Are Strange by The Doors. Over the past three months I have focused on creating a certain star image of my artist, taking inspiration from artist such as Jim Morrison, Morrissey and Robert Smith. I am now going to create an album cover and features for my digipak and music advert.
I will need some advice on what to include in my ancillary task, in order to brainstorm my ideas and take them further .

What usually catches your eye on an album cover?

  • Image of the artist 
  • Abstract image 
  • Artist presented in an abstract way

If a CD cover grabbed your attention would it persuade you to buy the album without knowing the artist?

  • Yes 
  • No 
  • Maybe 

Would you prefer the artist of the album to be photographed on the front cover of the digipack, or an image or symbol relating to the meaning of the album?

  • Image of the artist 
  • Abstract symbol 

What do you think makes an album art work interesting and successful?

  • Different - make something new and interesting that no one has ever seen before or will never expect to see
  • By including an image of the artist on the front cover of the album this enables the audience to recognise the new album, therefore making the new album more successful. 
  • Any other suggestions 

Do you think the album should be named after the main single 'People Are Strange', or a name that describes the content of the album? E.g, the majority of coldplay's records are named after the man hit single that is on the album, where as other bands have named their albums, not after a song on the record. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How many songs do you think should be included on an album? Why do you think this?

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