Monday 4th January 2016
I have completed the music video for my track and I am currently in the process of researching for my ancillary task, creating a digipack and poster. In order to do this successfully i will need to create a schedule planning when i will complete certain tasks in order to stay on track so I do not run out of time. I find that by creating a schedule this enables me to stay on track and complete tasks mre efficiently.
Date to be completed
Hand out questionnaires
to target audience, to find out what my target audience will prefer to see.
information from target audience and analyse carefully. From this information
start to plan for digi pack and poster – thinking about presenting star image
– font – colour
Design initial
logo ideas for artist ‘Tim Starr’. These can be drawn or typed – use font
websites or photo shop
Start designing
digi pack ideas – receive audience feedback and act upon the audience feedback
Arrange times
and dates with actor to take pictures for website, poster and digi pack
Now that I have created a schedule predicting the dates and times that I need to complete certain tasks by, I can now follow this schedule as a rough guide line to ensure that i stay on track whilst creating my poster and digipack.
Good work Millie a clear plan is evident. So now all your focus is on producing your ancillary tasks. Keep updating your blog as you go.