Sunday, 13 September 2015

My Record Label // MSharrattRecords

I have created my own record label to sponsor the production, distribution and marketing of my music video and song. Firstly i have created a logo, it is important that my logo comes across as professional and legitimate in order for my audience to take my company seriously.
I have named my record label MSharrattRecords as it sounds simple and professional. My audience and viewers will take my logo seriously due to its formal appearance. I have used colours such as Black, Dark Pink and Grey as they are appropriate and will attract my target audience, which includes late teens and adults. The genre of my music video track is Rock/Alternative, therefor I feel that the appearance of my logo suits that type of genre.
I have researched into other record labels, looking into audience and genre. My record label will have a specific genre and target audience for my music video and music label. As my audience is interested in genres such as indie/rock I have decided to create my logo inspired by this type of genre.



This is my initial idea for my logo. It is important for a company to have a personal logo so their audience recognises the company. Logos must be unique, and catch the eye of the audience. I have created a logo which I can potentially use for my record label. As my record label is mostly involved with in indie/rock genres, i feel that the image and colour of this record logo represents the certain genre. My logo also appears professional and legitimate. However I want to gain social media feed back to gain constructive criticism from my target audience. There for, after gaining opinions from my audience i can then elaborate or even redesign my logo so it appears more professional and individual.


Using Apple's messaging software, I group messaged my target audience, for feedback on my initial logo. I asked two open ended questions which my participants could answer to as much detail as they'd wish. 
I feel that direct messaging participants is an easier way of social media contact as it gives the participant/audience member more time and thought to answer questions. There for questions are answered in more detail. 


 This participant has suggested that my logo represents a more retro feel due to the colours used. The image of the record presents a retro/vintage feeling to the logo.
This participant has suggested that the logo, will attract audiences, for its style and individuality.

This particpant has picked up on the name of the logo and how it presents that the logo is clearly promoting a music label. Like other record labels, they will incooperate in the logo a word todo with what the logo is promoting, in this case "Records", is evident. 


Typography is the art of text, and arranging type in order for language to be visible and clear. Typography is a crucial part of the conventions of a magazine. Eye catching font is the one of the first things the audience will notice. The arrangement type involves, font type, font size, line length, leading and kerning. The arrangement of text is extremely important when creating any magazine, as using the correct arrangement can potentially make the magazine appear more official and professional. The font has to be easy to read, most logos use serif fonts as they are easy to read and eye-catching.

There for I have constructed three type of logos in different fonts. I have also used different types of social media platforms to gain feed back on my choice of logo. 
Here are my selections of the different font I will use for my record label. The 4 fonts are very different but unique. I will be asking the public which font will suit my logo. 

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