Monday, 14 September 2015


The doors were contemporary artist during the 1970's, therefor the star image that they portray in 70's indie rock. The band are usually presented in rock star clothing, fashionable during the 70s. Typical dress code included leather jacket, baggy trousers, with a loose fitted shirt. The band members were also shown with hair, facial hair and ear piercings.
The Doors were famous for their liberal, 'don't care', rock star attitude. Front man Jim Morrison is a perfect example, as he was famously known fro his drug and alcohol abuse, and outrageous stage behaviour. After researching into live videos from the Doors, Jim Morrison portrays a passionate persona towards his music. His outrageous stage behaviour intrigues the audience, giving the band personality and purpose. The use of drugs and alcohol amongst famous pop and rock stars has become increasingly popular in the contemporary music culture.
It is plausible that the style that the doors portray is now retro/vintage to a contemporary audience. The retro style is becoming popular with in audiences including late teens in todays society, not just older earlier generations. Teenagers in todays society are more in touch with retro style culture, such as fashion and music. This therefor suggests that, The Doors are successful as they appeal to audiences who were not around when they were current.

A stars image becomes recognisable to the public eye, the star image involves the appearance, attitudes and behaviour of an artist which makes them recognisable and interesting to the public. An artist must posses a star inage in order to become popular in the media culture. Stars can use the fact that their image has a meaning by allowing it to be used for advertising purposes. Stars are made to appeal to audiences, which will inreturn benefit record label companies. In which case, The Doors star image was based focused around Jim Morrison. 
Although Jim Morrison reflected his own persona as a controversial performer, dancing about the stage topless, the meaning of his music had a deep subtext. Not only was Jim Morrison a performer, but he was a poet and was passionate with in song writing. Therefor Jim Morrison's star image, is a lot less based on his 'appearance' and 'image', unlike other rock stars with in todays music industry, but about his deep passion for music and depth of meanings with in his songs. 

The Doors music videos were usually based on performance and narrative. 

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