BREIF - I am currently in the process of creating a music video for my A2 coursework media. I would like to ask my target audience a few questions in order to carry out further research and planning for my music video.
1. How old are you? (Please tick)
- under 18
- 18-25
- 25-35
- 35-45
- 45+
2. What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
- Transgender
- Prefer not to say
3. What typical features/conventions do you expect to see in a rock music video? (e.g Social realism subjects, live performance)
4. What are your favourite artists/bands at the moment? Why?
5. What type of music videos appeal to you the most?
- Performance based (artist/band performing whilst lip syncing)
- Narrative based music videos (including a story, usually social realism/contemporary society)
- Perfomance and Narrative (story line including clips of the artists performing)
6. How do you access music videos?
- Smartphone
- Television programmes
- Tablet/Desktop device
- Other
7. How often do you watch music videos?
- Everyday
- Often
- Rarely
- Never
8. How important are music videos to you? Do you think that a music video should have a specific meaning or message?
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