Saturday, 31 October 2015



I arranged a session with my actor to film the performance pieces needed for my music video. I used a studio with black walls and a black back drop to film the pieces. Before I filmed my music video I took some test/practice shots. This is to show the setting and colour of the shots.

At first I used a black back drop, however the harsh lighting created a light grey colour against the back drop, which made the shot look unprofessional and cheap. It is important that I carried out test shots, in order to experiment and discover the best way to shoot my music video. To prevent this discolouration from occurring, I experimented with the lighting, and settings on the cam corder to achieve a more professional look to my shots.

After experimenting with the lighting and setting during my test shots. I was able to capture shots that appear professional and clear. I like how the shots portray an eternal darkness, as shown. The shadows of the shot also portray a sinister atmosphere, with my actor, I was able to experiment with different angles and movements by playing around with the shadows created from the lighting and setting.


Some of my crew, were able to capture images of me filming these performance shots. As you can see, I filmed in a black studio whilst using a strong white light. I found that before filming, i had to experiment setting up the equipment for my music video. Partly, I believe that achieving professional looking shots, is all down to try and error whilst also including skill and knowledge of appropriate lighting and setting to use. As I am creating my music video on a low budget, I feel that I have managed to produce professional shots with the limited equipment provided.


Saturday, 24 October 2015


TIME: 7.00PM



  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Microphone 
  • Lighting equipment 
  • Dress 
  • Coat
  • Shoes
  • Scarf 
  • Make-up including Lip Stick, Powder, Powder Brush
  • Mirror
  • Wig

Thursday, 22 October 2015


STILLS 17/10/15

Here are some stills that I have captured whilst filing my music video. The images that I have captured present the marital breakdown of the two characters. I have used close up shots to present the charcatres faces to sho

Thursday, 15 October 2015

SHOOTING // 13/10/15

TIME : 8.45AM

For my music video i will need to produce footage of city workers in London, to add to the narrative of the story. I therefore decided to film city workers up London and collect footage of businessman and women commuting to work. I will then add this to my music video, to add to the life style of one of my main characters. Overall I feel that my filming went successfully as I was able to capture the natural setting and scenario of early commuters. Due to filming at this certain time, the lighting of the footage is light and bright, consequently making the video easier to edit, due to the source of natural lighting.
I captures images of trains and famous London land marks. I used establishing shots that will present to the reader more about the narrative.
Here are some of my favourite shots from the day of filming:
I like this shot of the workers commuting to their occupational environments. I feel that this shot relates to the lyrics of my music video, as it shows people in society who may hold secrets, or who may be 'strange'. The narrative of my music video is based on our society. I feel that I have connoted the sense of community and society in the footage that I have captured. I feel that when shooting this footage with out a tripod was difficult as I had to keep a steady hand whilst filming.



I have chosen this vintage blouse to present my artist when filming my music video and creating my digi pack. I have chosen this shirt/blouse as it reminds me of other front men in musical history, that have inspired me to create my artist's star image. Artists such as Morrissey, Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger have been presented wearing this type of blouse when performing, in photoshoots, and album covers. I feel that this blouse adds to the rock'n'roll star image of my artist successfully. 

I will be using this shirt when filming the performance pieces of my artist, using close up and mid shots to contribute to the mise en scene of the music video. The clothing of the performer will also entice my target audience. As I am targeting an older, middle age generation, they may recognise the type of fashion that my artist is representing, due to its vintage style. The orange and yellow colours connote a sense of psychedelic style


The persona of my artist will liken to artists such as Morrissey, Jim Morrison and Jarvis Cocker. They will preset a quirky style using extravagant body language and facial features. This will appeal to my target audience as they will 

Friday, 9 October 2015


My music video will portray the relationship between a man and woman. Thus presenting a conventional relationship involving two spouses of the opposite gender identity. When filming my two actors will need to portray the relationship that the two characters possess for one another. Therefore I will be using mid shots with the two characters together to suggest the intimate relationship.
I will also need to show the thoughts and feelings of the characters by using close up shots to show how they feel to the audience. If the audience has a greater understanding of how the characters feel, the more effective and successful my music video will appear. That being the case, I will use close up shots on the husband to unveil the characters morose feelings. this will be the case when I film the husband at work and on public transport. Shot ideas and locations include street. It is important that I present the characters feelings as well as possible so the audience has a greater understanding of the narrative of the music video.
I will be meeting up with my actors and filming them together in locations like Canary Wharf.

Thursday, 8 October 2015


TIME - 3.15PM

Today I recorded the voice memo of my main actor performing the poem. I used a camera and a microphone whilst doing so. I found that I had to attempt the voice memo a couple of times to fulfil the track that was the most clear and professional. I recorded 4 tracks with my actor.

Here is a video that I made using iMovie, presenting each of the 4 tracks from our recording session.

I asked my focus group to rank each track in order of quality. 1 being the best, 10 being the worst. After receiving my results I have decided when I edit my music video that i will use Track 04, as it is clear. My focus group suggested that track 04 was the best quality and sound compared to the other tracks. The majority of my focus group suggested that the other tracks, most significantly tracks 2 and 3 produced popping sounds when played. Track $ produced a clearer more professional clearer voice, with lone pauses that could eventually enable me to edit with ease. 


Tuesday, 6 October 2015




Due to my actors being available at different times, I will need to reschedule sessions and plan when I will film and what it is I will be filming. This will enable my filming sessions to be more organised so I am able to understand what types of shots I will need to film. Effectively shortening the process of filming, and making editing less unchallenging. 

I have schedule a plan for when I will meet with my performer, to film sections of my music video. 

I have labelled the days as sessions as this therefore stretches the flexibility of when I can rearrange dates if need be. 

SESSION 1 – Record poem. Estimated time duration, 20 minutes.  

  • I will be using a microphone attached to a camera to record the memo of my acotr. After I have recorded the voice memo I will importing the file onto my computer and disattaching the video file from the audio file effectively. 
SESSION 2– Record performance shots of actor from different angles. Estimated time duration, 1 hour and 40 minutes.

  • I will be shooting my main character singing the words to track behind the projector screen. I will be shooting from different angles and different close ups. 
  • The performer will be shown in a plain tshirt, and not dressed as a cross dresser as the screen on the actors face will be the main focus of the frame. 
SESSION 3 – Take shots of actor applying make up wig, and performance pieces – stills of make up shots and actors face – take inspiration to Beethoven music video including lighting.  Easy to film this in the drama studios with lights etc. Estimated time duration, 1 hour and 45 mins.

  • I will be meeting with my actor again to shoot the final shots of my music video. Using the drama studio I will make a dark studio room with black back drops. I will then need to use lighting equipment to achieve my final idea. 
  • I will be including props such as make - up, and a chair. 
SESSION 4 – Film actor walking down a street or road, there for this will need to include props such as dress, shoes, coat and tights. Estimated time duration, up to 3 hours.

  • For this session I will need to shoot my actor walking down the street, including long shots close ups etc. 
  • I will need to recruit volunteers to help with the direction of this shot. As i will need to film different angles of the actor walking down the street. 
  • Costume items that I will need to bring include, dress, tights, wig, sunglasses, coat and shoes. #
  • I will need to schedule this session during the day time. 

I have estimated the time duration of how long each session will take, so I am able to negotiate with my actors. I have planned the sessions including my main character. Once I have filmed the shots with my main character I will then schedule dates and times with my two other characters of when I can schedule sessions with them. That being the case, I am able to focus, and carry out ideas with precision and care, enabling each shot to look to achieve a professional and accomplished finish.  

Monday, 5 October 2015

Poem Recording Equipment

I will be using a microphone, to record the poem that will play before the duration of the sound track. I am using a microphone as this will produce a clear  reverberation. The voice recording needs to be clear so that audience are able to understand the words that are being said throughout the music video. If the audience are unable to understand the voice recording of the poem, the less effective the narrative of the music video will be.

Sunday, 4 October 2015



After brainstorming ideas, I have purchased items that I will use in my music video. The following accessories are for the character of the cross dresser. I have picked out possible items that I will use for my music video. 

For my actor playing the cross dresser I will be using the accessories above to add to the character of the cross dresser. The accessories will make the character if the cross dresser more believable to the audience. I will be using close up shots of the actor so it is important that the cross dresser wears numerous amounts of accessories for intricate detail. gis will make my music video more professional and interesting.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

SOCIAL MEDIA FEED BACK // Projection Shots

I have recently gained feedback on my projection experiments. By using instagram I have obtained positive responses. after discovering that my idea is approved from my target audience, I will be using this technique in my music video. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015



I will be using this studio to shoot my performance shots. Due to the studios black backdrops and dark scenery, I feel that this will be appropriate for the production of my music video.
 I will be adjusting the lighting of the room, by using artificial lighting and equipment. The studio will represent an exciting expressive environment especially when i use the projector technique. This will contrast against the mundane locations  I can also adjust the lighting of the performance shots by using techniques on editing programmes. I will be filming most of the shots of the cross dresser in this studio. As the performer is the cross dresser. 



I will need to use a road for narrative of my music video, as this is where the characters will all meet. I have chosen this road as it presents a sense of normality which will contrast against the abstract/controversial narrative of the studio. I will be using natural lighting when shooting at 
this location therefore I will have to film during the day time to achieve successful lighting. 


Another location for my music video includes filming on a train or some form of public transport. I have researched images of public transport. Tubes and trains portray a gloomy atmosphere, which can relate to the mundane theme of my music video.

There is a sense of normality and emotional detachment when people are sitting alone on a train. I want to portray the feeling of isolation and depression as these are the two themes of my music video. I want to create an emotional affect on my audience, so where I film my music video is a crucial element.



 I am planning on using the natural lighting to create a silhouette effect when filming in this certain location. I like the neutral colours of the walls and the cleanliness of the room, give a simplistic and dull atmosphere. The darkness of the room is light with the blinds of the window.

I would like to set my music video inside a house, to represent the enclosed and repressed feelings of the character. I will be presenting the character as happy whilst inside, and miserable on the outside, e.g at work, on the train.
Most of my inspiration and ideas for my music videos have originated from the Eurythmics music video Beethoven.

I plan on filming in this particular bathroom, as it displays a large mirror that is required for my music video. The grey and white colours present a dull atmosphere, which is perfect for the theme of my music video. This location is also easy to film in because i am able to manipulate the lighting, with artificial lighting such as white lights and coloured lights, due to the location being indoors.



I picture the cross dresser as a feminine, trendy cross dresser. I want to avoid the actor from looking like a drag queen, as I want the cross dresser to not appear as a 'show'. Therefor i'd like to choose subtle outfits and accessories. I feel that this will make the narrative of the music video far more realistic and serious. I will be visiting various charity shops to purchase items of clothing for this costume. I plan on using a dress and tights as I feel that this is the most feminine of female clothing. I will also be using a wig to portray a more realistic character, effectively making my music video more intriguing and obvious. 


I have brainstormed some ideas of how I picture the husband to appear. I like the idea of a smart casual look. Clothing that is not 'way out', or different. When the character is shown at work and on the train I would like to dress the character in office wear to represent the character's authority and occupation. The audience will be able to notice and understand the occupation of the character. The costume also enables the audience to become familiar with the characters emotions and feelings. by dressing the character in formal clothing, this will juxtapose against the character's personality towards the end of the video. I have taken inspiration from the music video Beethoven by Eurythmics. The main protagonist costume is juxtaposed from the start and end of the music video. 


This character's style is known as normal in today's society. The casual style of the wife represents her light hearted lifestyle. As this character is not one of the main protagonists, the costume of the character is less significant compared to the two main characters.




As I am creating a star image for my artist, I will need to decide on a stage name for my artists to include on the digipack and other forms of advertisement. After doing some research on rock star's stage names I have decided to stick with a first name, surname structure like artists, Jim Morrison and Morrissey.

I have conducted a group discussion with in my focus group, regarding the decision of the stage nam. I narrowed my choices down to 3 main names.

Before the questionnaire begins could you please answer a few questions?
·         Please circle;
Male        Female

·         Circle the age range that you fit into;
25-35 35-45 45-55 55+  
My name is Millicent Sharratt, and I am creating a music video for my A level media. I will be creating a music video to the song People Are Strange by a 1970s American rock band The Doors. The front man Jim Morrison has a significant stage performance and persona. Because of his song writing, wild personality and performances, he is regarded by critics and fans as one of the most iconic and influential frontmen in rock music history. After researching into the star image of Jim Morrison I have decided that I would like to apply a personality to the artist of my music video. I have also looked into artists such as Morrissey and Ian Curtis.

 In order to do so I will need to create an artist for my music video. The genre of my music video is rock; I would like to base the star image of my artist on famous rock icons such as Jim Morrison and Morrissey.

·         After planning my ideas, I have come up with 3 possible names for my artist. Please tick your preferred name choice.

A)     Tim Parker
B)     Tim Starr
C)     Tim Jaxon

·         What do you suggest that my artist should be wearing? Why?



I have gained feedback regarding members of my focus groups prefered stage name. From the questionnaires that I have studied, it is apparent that the most favoured stage name is Tim Starr. I will be using this stage name when advertising and promoting my artist on social media and other media platforms such as magazine covers, posters and digipack/album covers. 
From this decision I will then create a logo for my artist, to help with the advertisement process of my artist. Artists such as the Doors and other popular rock bands all posses logos as this acts as an identity for the artists/band and adds to the star mage that they portray.
In regards to the clothing of my artist, the majority of my target audience suggested that my artist should be portrayed wearing loose fitting shirts, to show a scruffy, careless star image.
However it is important to note that the target audience that my artists is reaching out to will not consider the star image, but rather will be focused on the music of the artist. 


Logo’s can evoke strong emotions within, they can can divide people and they can inspire people.