Saturday, 31 October 2015



I arranged a session with my actor to film the performance pieces needed for my music video. I used a studio with black walls and a black back drop to film the pieces. Before I filmed my music video I took some test/practice shots. This is to show the setting and colour of the shots.

At first I used a black back drop, however the harsh lighting created a light grey colour against the back drop, which made the shot look unprofessional and cheap. It is important that I carried out test shots, in order to experiment and discover the best way to shoot my music video. To prevent this discolouration from occurring, I experimented with the lighting, and settings on the cam corder to achieve a more professional look to my shots.

After experimenting with the lighting and setting during my test shots. I was able to capture shots that appear professional and clear. I like how the shots portray an eternal darkness, as shown. The shadows of the shot also portray a sinister atmosphere, with my actor, I was able to experiment with different angles and movements by playing around with the shadows created from the lighting and setting.


Some of my crew, were able to capture images of me filming these performance shots. As you can see, I filmed in a black studio whilst using a strong white light. I found that before filming, i had to experiment setting up the equipment for my music video. Partly, I believe that achieving professional looking shots, is all down to try and error whilst also including skill and knowledge of appropriate lighting and setting to use. As I am creating my music video on a low budget, I feel that I have managed to produce professional shots with the limited equipment provided.

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