Thursday, 1 October 2015




As I am creating a star image for my artist, I will need to decide on a stage name for my artists to include on the digipack and other forms of advertisement. After doing some research on rock star's stage names I have decided to stick with a first name, surname structure like artists, Jim Morrison and Morrissey.

I have conducted a group discussion with in my focus group, regarding the decision of the stage nam. I narrowed my choices down to 3 main names.

Before the questionnaire begins could you please answer a few questions?
·         Please circle;
Male        Female

·         Circle the age range that you fit into;
25-35 35-45 45-55 55+  
My name is Millicent Sharratt, and I am creating a music video for my A level media. I will be creating a music video to the song People Are Strange by a 1970s American rock band The Doors. The front man Jim Morrison has a significant stage performance and persona. Because of his song writing, wild personality and performances, he is regarded by critics and fans as one of the most iconic and influential frontmen in rock music history. After researching into the star image of Jim Morrison I have decided that I would like to apply a personality to the artist of my music video. I have also looked into artists such as Morrissey and Ian Curtis.

 In order to do so I will need to create an artist for my music video. The genre of my music video is rock; I would like to base the star image of my artist on famous rock icons such as Jim Morrison and Morrissey.

·         After planning my ideas, I have come up with 3 possible names for my artist. Please tick your preferred name choice.

A)     Tim Parker
B)     Tim Starr
C)     Tim Jaxon

·         What do you suggest that my artist should be wearing? Why?



I have gained feedback regarding members of my focus groups prefered stage name. From the questionnaires that I have studied, it is apparent that the most favoured stage name is Tim Starr. I will be using this stage name when advertising and promoting my artist on social media and other media platforms such as magazine covers, posters and digipack/album covers. 
From this decision I will then create a logo for my artist, to help with the advertisement process of my artist. Artists such as the Doors and other popular rock bands all posses logos as this acts as an identity for the artists/band and adds to the star mage that they portray.
In regards to the clothing of my artist, the majority of my target audience suggested that my artist should be portrayed wearing loose fitting shirts, to show a scruffy, careless star image.
However it is important to note that the target audience that my artists is reaching out to will not consider the star image, but rather will be focused on the music of the artist. 


Logo’s can evoke strong emotions within, they can can divide people and they can inspire people.

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