Thursday, 15 October 2015



I have chosen this vintage blouse to present my artist when filming my music video and creating my digi pack. I have chosen this shirt/blouse as it reminds me of other front men in musical history, that have inspired me to create my artist's star image. Artists such as Morrissey, Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger have been presented wearing this type of blouse when performing, in photoshoots, and album covers. I feel that this blouse adds to the rock'n'roll star image of my artist successfully. 

I will be using this shirt when filming the performance pieces of my artist, using close up and mid shots to contribute to the mise en scene of the music video. The clothing of the performer will also entice my target audience. As I am targeting an older, middle age generation, they may recognise the type of fashion that my artist is representing, due to its vintage style. The orange and yellow colours connote a sense of psychedelic style


The persona of my artist will liken to artists such as Morrissey, Jim Morrison and Jarvis Cocker. They will preset a quirky style using extravagant body language and facial features. This will appeal to my target audience as they will 

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