Thursday, 15 October 2015

SHOOTING // 13/10/15

TIME : 8.45AM

For my music video i will need to produce footage of city workers in London, to add to the narrative of the story. I therefore decided to film city workers up London and collect footage of businessman and women commuting to work. I will then add this to my music video, to add to the life style of one of my main characters. Overall I feel that my filming went successfully as I was able to capture the natural setting and scenario of early commuters. Due to filming at this certain time, the lighting of the footage is light and bright, consequently making the video easier to edit, due to the source of natural lighting.
I captures images of trains and famous London land marks. I used establishing shots that will present to the reader more about the narrative.
Here are some of my favourite shots from the day of filming:
I like this shot of the workers commuting to their occupational environments. I feel that this shot relates to the lyrics of my music video, as it shows people in society who may hold secrets, or who may be 'strange'. The narrative of my music video is based on our society. I feel that I have connoted the sense of community and society in the footage that I have captured. I feel that when shooting this footage with out a tripod was difficult as I had to keep a steady hand whilst filming.

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