Tuesday, 6 October 2015




Due to my actors being available at different times, I will need to reschedule sessions and plan when I will film and what it is I will be filming. This will enable my filming sessions to be more organised so I am able to understand what types of shots I will need to film. Effectively shortening the process of filming, and making editing less unchallenging. 

I have schedule a plan for when I will meet with my performer, to film sections of my music video. 

I have labelled the days as sessions as this therefore stretches the flexibility of when I can rearrange dates if need be. 

SESSION 1 – Record poem. Estimated time duration, 20 minutes.  

  • I will be using a microphone attached to a camera to record the memo of my acotr. After I have recorded the voice memo I will importing the file onto my computer and disattaching the video file from the audio file effectively. 
SESSION 2– Record performance shots of actor from different angles. Estimated time duration, 1 hour and 40 minutes.

  • I will be shooting my main character singing the words to track behind the projector screen. I will be shooting from different angles and different close ups. 
  • The performer will be shown in a plain tshirt, and not dressed as a cross dresser as the screen on the actors face will be the main focus of the frame. 
SESSION 3 – Take shots of actor applying make up wig, and performance pieces – stills of make up shots and actors face – take inspiration to Beethoven music video including lighting.  Easy to film this in the drama studios with lights etc. Estimated time duration, 1 hour and 45 mins.

  • I will be meeting with my actor again to shoot the final shots of my music video. Using the drama studio I will make a dark studio room with black back drops. I will then need to use lighting equipment to achieve my final idea. 
  • I will be including props such as make - up, and a chair. 
SESSION 4 – Film actor walking down a street or road, there for this will need to include props such as dress, shoes, coat and tights. Estimated time duration, up to 3 hours.

  • For this session I will need to shoot my actor walking down the street, including long shots close ups etc. 
  • I will need to recruit volunteers to help with the direction of this shot. As i will need to film different angles of the actor walking down the street. 
  • Costume items that I will need to bring include, dress, tights, wig, sunglasses, coat and shoes. #
  • I will need to schedule this session during the day time. 

I have estimated the time duration of how long each session will take, so I am able to negotiate with my actors. I have planned the sessions including my main character. Once I have filmed the shots with my main character I will then schedule dates and times with my two other characters of when I can schedule sessions with them. That being the case, I am able to focus, and carry out ideas with precision and care, enabling each shot to look to achieve a professional and accomplished finish.  

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