Friday, 9 October 2015


My music video will portray the relationship between a man and woman. Thus presenting a conventional relationship involving two spouses of the opposite gender identity. When filming my two actors will need to portray the relationship that the two characters possess for one another. Therefore I will be using mid shots with the two characters together to suggest the intimate relationship.
I will also need to show the thoughts and feelings of the characters by using close up shots to show how they feel to the audience. If the audience has a greater understanding of how the characters feel, the more effective and successful my music video will appear. That being the case, I will use close up shots on the husband to unveil the characters morose feelings. this will be the case when I film the husband at work and on public transport. Shot ideas and locations include street. It is important that I present the characters feelings as well as possible so the audience has a greater understanding of the narrative of the music video.
I will be meeting up with my actors and filming them together in locations like Canary Wharf.

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